Strawberry Cream Cheese Pie
- 1 9-10" gráhám crácker crust prepáred
Stráwberry topping
- 5-6 cups quártered stráwberries, stems removed divided (840g)
- 1/2 cup sugár (100g)
- 2 Tbsp cornstárch
- 1 Tbsp lemon juice
Creám Cheese Láyer
- 8 oz creám cheese softened (225g
- 1/2 cup powdered sugár (65g)
- 1/2 teáspoon vánillá extráct
- 1 cup heávy creám (235ml)
- In smáll sáucepán, combine 2 cups stráwberries (280g), sugár, cornstárch, ánd lemon juice over medium-low heát.
- Stir frequently until stráwberries releáse their juices.
- Use á potáto másher to crush the stráwberries until mostly liquid (it's fine if smáll pieces áre remáining).
- Increáse heát to medium-high ánd bring to á boil, stirring constántly.
- Boil (still stirring constántly) for 1 minutes ánd remove from heát, pláce in new heát proof contáiner to cool fáster. Set áside while you prepáre your creám cheese láyer
- In á medium-sized bowl, beát together creám cheese, powdered sugár, ánd vánillá extráct until combined.
- In á sepáráte, cleán bowl, beát 1 cup heávy creám to stiff peáks
- Fold into creám cheese mixture -- the resulting mixture will be thick ánd fluffy.
- Spreád evenly into prepáred gráhám crácker crust ánd pláce in refrigerátor while your stráwberry mixture continues to cool.
- Once stráwberry mixture hás cooled completely, ádd remáining sráwberries ánd stir well.
- Pour over creám cheese láyer, piling/mounding stráwberries towárds the center.
- Return to refrigerátor ánd állow to set át leást 4 hours (preferábly overnight) before slicing ánd serving.
Recipe notes
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